
Gas Leakage Detector


In India most of the household appliances include the LPG gas cylinder for cooking. In day to day life the need LPG cylinder increases widely. But most of the users doesn’t have the awareness about the leakage of the gas. The gas leakage happens due to the use of old gas tubes, worn out regulators, improper cylinder knob, etc. The LPG gas contains the mixture of butane and propane. If the 1.8% to 9.5% of the gas is mixed with the air will make it an explosive. So small leakage causes a wide range of damage when burst. So, this device will detect the leakage of gas and alert the house owner immediately. This intimation will prevent from the explosion.

The gas sensor detects the gas mixture which present in the air. If the gas mixture detected it turn of the cylinder knob first. This knob can be turned of by the motor which is connected with the knob. This motor can be controlled by the motor driver IC. L293D is the motor driver IC. It is a 16 pin IC. This IC have the capability to drive two motors. After turn off the knob it alerts the house owner to make a phone call. The GSM circuit which is used to make a phone call. Sim800A is the suited to make a call. This GSM will support the 2G and 3G broadband. After the call alert the buzzer in the circuit start alerting the neighbour house. This device is portable so it can be installed easily.


I have found a solution for preventing the blast or explosion caused by gas leakage in cylinder. You can recieve a mobile alert and notification at the time of gas leakage.
Arun R S